8th Grade AIMS Science

Strand 5: Physical Science
This section is 31% of the test.


Concept 1: Properties and Changes of Properties in Matter

Understand physical and chemical properties of matter.

PO 1.  Identify different kinds of matter based on the following physical properties:
·       states
·       density
·       boiling point
·       melting point
·       solubility
PO 2.  Identify different kinds of matter based on the following chemical properties:
·       reactivity
·       pH
·       oxidation (corrosion)
PO 3.  Identify the following types of evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred:
·       formation of a precipitate
·       generation of gas
·       color change
·       absorption or release of heat
PO 4.  Classify matter in terms of elements, compounds, or mixtures.
PO 5.  Classify mixtures as being homogeneous or heterogeneous.
PO 6.  Explain the systematic organization of the periodic table.
PO 7.  Investigate how the transfer of energy can affect the physical and chemical properties of matter.




Concept 2: Motion and Forces

Understand the relationship between force and motion.

PO 1.  Demonstrate velocity as the rate of change of position over time.
PO 2.  Identify the conditions under which an object will continue in its state of motion (Newton’s 1st Law of Motion).
PO 3.  Describe how the acceleration of a body is dependent on its mass and the net applied force (Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion).
PO 4.  Describe forces as interactions between bodies (Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion).
PO 5.  Create a graph devised from measurements of moving objects and their interactions, including:
·       position-time graphs
·       velocity-time graphs




Concept 3: Transfer of Energy

Understand that energy can be stored and transferred.

No performance objectives at this grade level